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You can find a .env.example in the project's root as a reference to start from.

Environment Variables

APP_NAME recommended

Type: String
Default: Open Case

Application name.

APP_ENV recommended

Type: production | local | cicd
Default: production

Application environment.

APP_KEY required

Type: String
Default: -

Base64 encoded application key. Can be generated by running artisan key:generate.


Type: Boolean
Default: `false`

Whether app runs in debug mode or not.

APP_URL recommended

Type: String
Default: `http://localhost`

APP_PORT recommended

Type: Integer
Default: 80

APP_HOST recommended

Type: String
Default: localhost


Type: Integer Default: 1000

The uid to map the docker application user to.


Type: Integer Default: 1000

The guid to map the docker application usergroup to.

DB_CONNECTION recommended

Type: sqlite | mysql | pgsql | sqlsrv
Default: mysql

DB_HOST recommended

Type: String
Default: Depends on `DB_CONNECTION`

DB_PORT recommended

Type: Integer
Default: Depends on `DB_CONNECTION`

DB_DATABASE recommended

Type: String
Default: Depends on `DB_CONNECTION`

DB_USERNAME recommended

Type: String
Default: Depends on `DB_CONNECTION`

DB_PASSWORD recommended

Type: String
Default: Depends on `DB_CONNECTION`


Type: String

The filename of the database dump which can be used to reset the database.

